
Page owner: Community director

About the   local group

The coordinator of the Mid-Somerset local group is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

The   group was started in late 2014. Several of us felt there would be demand for a group in the area, as the surrounding groups were too far away for many Somerset residents.

We meet roughly every six weeks in Street, in a pleasant pub that serves good coffee, tea and cheesecake. Meetings are usually held in the mornings, though we would be prepared to try other times, depending on the preferences of the group.

Meetings usually take the form of an informal chat over coffee, and we tend to have a turnout of between five and ten people, from a range of backgrounds and with different experience levels and interests. We have also run a couple of longer workshops – a session on macros led by Paul Beverley, and a session on using ReferenceChecker run by Paul Sensecall.

We’re currently exploring other ideas to make the meetings more interactive and useful, though we very much hope to retain the relaxed and informal nature of our regular get-togethers, too. We’re always happy to welcome new faces, so if you’re in the Somerset area (or surrounding counties), please do come along.

For more information about the group, please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


Details of upcoming   meetings can be found in the Calendar of events.