Whether your purpose is to inform, persuade or entertain, I can help ensure your writing is correct and clear so that your readers get your message without distraction.
I am a flexible and friendly editor and will always try to combine sensitivity with the rigour of an editor’s eye.
Variety is the spice of my life, and I love to work on all kinds of projects, from books, both fiction and non-fiction, and journal articles to newsletters, magazines, websites and blogs. My clients include publishers and academics, businesses and indie authors.
>> Drop me an email to discuss how I might help you.
I’ve been lucky enough to be able to use my love of language throughout my changing career. After gaining a degree in Linguistics from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, I worked in speech technology research, first in academia, then for a government research establishment.
Moving on from there, I now apply my love of all things wordy to editing, and I get a great deal of satisfaction from helping authors prepare their work for publication.
I live on the western slopes of the lovely Malvern Hills, on the borders of Herefordshire and Worcestershire, but thanks to the internet, I'm available to work for anybody, anywhere.
My non-fiction subject specialisms include:
My fiction specialist areas include:
>> Visit my website to find out more about what I can do for you.
I'm always looking to improve my skills and the services I can offer you through a mixture of formal training and informal learning.
Recent training includes:
Thanks for the diligent and (imo) inspired editing etc.
I have done a bunch of books and this phase of the process has always been unpleasant (at best). This time I looked forward to your emails and suggestions. ... It was a pleasure to get to know you even if it was epistolary and at a distance.
— Professor Norbert Hornstein, author of The Merge Hypothesis (Cambridge University Press, 2024)
You add a large touch of humanity to the isolating activity of writing
I still marvel at the sharpness of your eye in finding the errors. I appreciate your comments – some of them make me smile … All your comments make me think and you make very sensible suggestions. … I am confident in publishing this one knowing that errors and inconsistencies will not mar the writing so giving the book a chance to be read without distraction.
You actually add real value to what I do, are so professional, never make demands, and add a large touch of humanity to the isolating activity of writing. And I love your asides in the comments you make and deeply treasure when you say you like the book.
— Ted Dunphy, independent author of Rowing Down the World to Auckland (Canaan-Star Publishing, 2015), Don't Poke the Fire (Canaan-Star Publishing, 2015), The Devil to Pay (Canaan-Star Publishing, 2015), Snuff O'Brien's Private War (Canaan-Star Publishing, 2017), and A View from the Boiler House Door (Canaan-Star Publishing, 2018)
One of the most intelligent and attentive proofs I’ve ever received
I can’t express how much I appreciate this edit. It is one of the most intelligent and attentive proofs I’ve ever received. So glad your linguist-classicist experience came in handy! Seriously, this edit has improved the text and I’m grateful.
— Jae Emerling, author of Transmissibility: Writing Aesthetic History (Routledge, 2023)
Everything a gifted copyeditor should be: pragmatic, supremely knowledgeable, and dedicated to consistency
Writing for the Reader’s Brain benefited enormously from your expert guidance. You exemplify everything a gifted copyeditor should be: pragmatic, supremely knowledgeable, and dedicated to consistency. I’m so grateful to have you as an editor! Your advice has been terrific and I’ve gone with every suggestion with only a few amendments. I wish I’d had you working on my last two books.
— Yellowlees Douglas, author of Writing for the Reader's Brain: A Science-Based Guide(Cambridge University Press, 2024)
I couldn't have asked for a better experience with a copy editor
Thank you, Sue!! I can't even begin to express my gratitude and couldn't have asked for a better experience with a copy editor. Many thanks for your amazing attention to detail, thoroughness, clarity, and overall professionalism. If I could assign you a grade, it would be A+++++++.
— Rajiv Rao, editor of The Phonetics and Phonology of Heritage Languages (Cambridge University Press, 2024)
The most reliable and sensitively attuned copyediting I have encountered
In your respect for the detail, and careful consultations with me on everything, you have been confidence-instilling at every turn. I have 3 other things at proof-stage at the moment, and can say without hesitation that yours is the most reliable and sensitively attuned copyediting I have encountered.
— Judith Buchanan, author of Shakespeare on Silent Film (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
The most problem-free and pleasant copyediting I have ever experienced
Let me join the other editors to thank you again! It was the most problem-free and pleasant copyediting I have ever experienced.
— Susan Gal, co-editor of Language in Culture by Michael Silverstein (Cambridge University Press, 2022)
You found omissions where previous book and journal editors did not
WOO HOO! I’m done! Thanks again for your very careful reading/copy-editing, Sue. Like I said, you found omissions where previous book and journal editors did not, and I’m grateful for that (as future generations of scholars, will also be, hopefully).
— John R Rickford, author of Variation, Versatility and Change in Sociolinguistics and Creole Studies. (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
You saved our bacon!
On behalf of the editors, I would like thank you for the excellent job you have done as copy editor. We couldn’t have asked for a better one, and on occasions you 'saved our bacon’ (well my bacon, then!) and in doing so helped us to avoid some glaring errors. We couldn’t have asked for a better copy editor. You were truly outstanding.
— Brian Hopkins, principal editor of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Sue not only identified problems, but also suggested solutions that were always completely consistent with the style and content of the book
Sue provides excellent, proactive copy-editing services. She just completed work on a new book of mine, and was fast, thorough and easy to work with. A particular characteristic of her work is that she not only identified problems, but also suggested solutions that were always completely consistent with the style and content of the book. Great work, and I'm certain the book will be much better as a result.
— David Cropley, associate professor of engineering innovation at the University of South Australia, author of Creativity and Crime (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
>> Think I might be able to help you too? Drop me an email to discuss what I can do for you.
Disclaimer note
The CIEP Directory of Editorial Services should be considered a point of first contact and prospective clients must satisfy themselves that members are capable of the work on offer. The Institute cannot be held responsible for the quality of work provided by any member listed in the directory. The members themselves are responsible for the maintenance and accuracy of their entries in the Directory and the CIEP has not made any attempt to vet them. The institute cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the Directory. Inclusion in the Directory as a freelance does not necessarily mean that the member is self-employed as defined by HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions.