Laura Poole

Advanced Professional Member
Location Archer Editorial Services, Inc., 112 Blue Ridge Court, DURHAM, NC 27703, USA
Telephone + mobile 919 308 1338
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Copy-editing, editorial training, proofreading, Americanizing, consultancy (editorial)


Books, journals, multi-author books, magazines


Freelance since 1997; director of training (for editors),, since 2015; assistant medical editor, ETSI, Inc., 1996–97


Duke University Press, Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Norton Professional, SUNY Press, University of Wisconsin Press, Case Western Reserve University, Haymarket Books, Technica Editorial Services, Techset Composition, Sigma Xi Research Society


General humanities, economics, gender studies, gay/lesbian issues, sexual politics, women's studies, science studies, psychology (cognitive science), anthropology, ethnography, cultural studies, personal development (all areas), political science, religious studies


BA English and Women's Studies


My company uses Laura's skills on a number of titles, including economics and history. She is prompt and diligent and takes feedback on board quickly. In addition to her "out of house" services, we've also used her "in house" to help with collating author corrections and proofreading revised proof pages. Knowing she's available for times of heavy workload really helps reduce my stress level!


Laura is a hard-working, reliable, sharp-minded editor whose work I can count on to meet the high editorial standards we at Duke University Press strive rigorously to maintain. I've trusted Laura with a wide range of books and have always been satisfied with the results of her work. She recently proofread one of Duke's most complex and lengthiest edited collections, stretching over 600 typeset pages and weighed down by intricate notes and bibliographies--her work took the book to another level and we're grateful to her for that.


Laura is one of the best editors and most adept mentors that I've ever had the pleasure of working with. From the beginning of my freelance career, her advice and expertise have been invaluable. She has a vast knowledge base and an incredible amount of skill. It has been my honor to continue working with her, and I would highly recommend her.
