Mr Adam Bell

Membership Grade
Advanced Professional Member

About Adam

Services offered

Copyediting and proofreading

Subject areas (and examples of previous work)

  • Classical civilization (The Greeks and Their History)
  • Film studies (Hollywood Screwball Comedy, 1934–1945)
  • French studies (Time and Radical Politics in France)
  • History (Death in Old Mexico)
  • Literary studies (Cinderella's Glass Slipper)
  • Philosophy (The Bergsonian Mind)
  • Politics (A Decolonial Feminism)
  • Psychoanalysis (Dreams and Atrocity)


  • 2020–present: Freelance Copyeditor and Proofreader
  • 2014–20: Production Editor, Swales & Willis
  • 2012–14: Rights Assistant, Yale University Press


  • 2023: Copyediting 3: Progress (CIEP) (passed with distinction)
  • 2021: Editing with Word (CIEP)
  • 2021: References (CIEP)
  • 2020: Copyediting 2: Headway (CIEP)
  • 2014: Introduction to Proofreading (SfEP)


  • Edinburgh University Press
  • Integra (for Cambridge University Press)
  • Newgen (for Bloomsbury, Manchester University Press and Routledge)
  • Pluto Press
  • River Editorial (for Edward Elgar Publishing, UCL Press and University of London Press)
  • Routledge/Taylor & Francis

Disclaimer note

The CIEP Directory of Editorial Services should be considered a point of first contact and prospective clients must satisfy themselves that members are capable of the work on offer. The Institute cannot be held responsible for the quality of work provided by any member listed in the directory. The members themselves are responsible for the maintenance and accuracy of their entries in the Directory and the CIEP has not made any attempt to vet them. The institute cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the Directory. Inclusion in the Directory as a freelance does not necessarily mean that the member is self-employed as defined by HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions.