05 Jan 2021

CIEP Member: Raphael Chapell

Why did you become an editor?

After I left a career in advertising, I looked at the parts of the job I enjoyed most and one of those was editing. I love words and language, and I wanted to find a way to make that my job. I already had years of on-the-job experience and the CIEP helped to boost my skills and knowledge with more structured training.

What’s the most recent training you’ve completed?

I did some training recently on writing accessible descriptions for tables and graphics (as part of a wider editing project). I learnt a lot, especially about retaining a storytelling element to give the full picture.

What work are you most proud of?

I work on a large sustainability project every year. It’s a real team effort and everyone involved works so hard to deliver the project on time. I have a real interest in sustainability, so it’s great to be part of communicating stories about such an important topic. I have a diverse range of clients and I’m always proud when I see anything I’ve contributed to in print or online.

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What’s the best thing about being a CIEP member?

Being part of a professional community and having access to excellent training courses. My tutor on my last CIEP course was really helpful and I got so much out of that course because of his direction. I also found a lovely client through the IM Available list last year.

How do you motivate yourself if you're struggling on a job?

I go for a quick walk with Coco (my Cockapoo)... then have an espresso and start again!

Which editorial tasks do you enjoy the most and why?

I edit recipes for a food/lifestyle magazine and I always love working on those. Apart from checking that all the ingredients are actually included, I work through the instructions, ensuring that they are easy to follow and, importantly, make sense. This is the perfect job for me as I love recipe books (and lists).

What's the best career advice you've received?

Listen. Sometimes, in meetings, we’re so busy taking notes or thinking about the questions we want to ask, that we can often miss a crucial nuance of the brief.

What’s your favourite editing tool?

I like working in Acrobat Pro DC, particularly on larger projects. Otherwise, it’s Pages.

Tell us one thing about you that’s not related to editing:

I’m in a James Bond movie (Skyfall). It would be pushing it somewhat to say I had a leading role. I’m just a random person in a crowd outside a tube station. You can’t miss me!

I edit recipes for a food/lifestyle magazine and I always love working on those. Apart from checking that all the ingredients are actually included, I work through the instructions, ensuring that they are easy to follow and, importantly, make sense. This is the perfect job for me as I love recipe books (and lists).

Raphael Chapell

Intermediate Member


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