31 fact sheets bundle

All 31 fact sheets!
- 12 ways to make your online communication more accessible
- Academic editing in the humanities and social sciences
- Anatomy of a book
- Being aware of gendered language
- Building a business resilience plan
- Common style differences between British and US English
- Copyright
- Dealing with scope creep
- Easily confused words
- Editing and proofreading music
- Editing and proofreading numbers
- Editing dialogue
- Editorial judgement
- Emotional wellbeing for editors
- Fact-checking for editors
- Getting started with macros
- Getting your first clients
- Good practice for author queries
- Increase your editing efficiency in Word
- Keyboard shortcuts for editorial work
- Legal editing
- Making the most of the editorial community
- Medical editing
- Reference books and resources for editors
- References
- Slaying zombie language 'rules'
- Software for editing and proofreading
- Sustaining your freelance editorial business
- What will happen to my editorial business if I die
- Working with multiple-choice questions
- Working with packagers