So You Want to be an Editor – Information About a Career in Editing

(Editors' Association of Canada, 2011): 20pp, ISBN 978 9866115 5 1.

Reviewed by Michèle Clarke

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This very small document (about 20pp) has actually only 13 pages of useful text, so it really is only an introduction. An important statement is made at the beginning:

Thanks to the huge number of websites, online publications, blogs and social networking sites, everyone can now be a published writer. The result is that what we have to say may appear to be more important than how we say it. Editors are more important than ever.

The main document gives advice on what our qualities and abilities should be as editors, where editors work nowadays and interactions with other publishing roles, a career path, rewards and drawbacks, and education and training available (in Canada obviously but the tenets remain the same).

The average Canadian editor is female, freelance, university educated, good at continuing professional development (CPD) and working primarily for local clients. Are we the same?

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